Rio Othon Palace Hotel

Facing the ocean on Copacabana beach, the Rio Othon Palace Hotel offers its guests the privilege of enjoying one of the most beautiful and famous postcards of Rio de Janeiro and the world.

In addition to spacious apartments, the Hotel has a swimming pool and lounge on its rooftop, a 5-star restaurant, spa, saunas and bars.

The Copacabana neighborhood, with its cosmopolitan trade, handcraft fairs and international cuisine bars and restaurants, delights visitors and those who live in Rio de Janeiro with great entertainment options, at any time of day or night. 


1. Step by step instructions to book your room ONLINE at the Rio Othon Palace Hotel

1)Visit the website

2) On the Home Page, select the check-in and check-out dates and the number of adults and children. Watch out: do not fill in the field “Cod. Promocional".

3) Click on “RESERVAR”.

4) On the following screen, in the "TENHO UM CÓDIGO" field, at the top right, enter the period group code in the "CÓDIGO DE GRUPO" field and click “BUSCAR”.

5) On the following screen, the regular rates for the period will show and just below  it the rates for the HPB RIO 2023 event. In the option “HPB Rio 2023, click on “ESCOLHER”.

6) At the bottom of the page, the reservation confirmation data will appear. Click on “RESERVAR AGORA”.

7) On the following screen, instructions will appear to complete the payment for your reservation.


Group codes (CÓDIGO DE GRUPO) for ONLINE reservation 

Until  31/12/2022 - CÓDIGO DE GRUPO 51578.

From 01/01/2023  until 28/02/2023 - CÓDIGO DE GRUPO 63537

From 01/03/2023 until 31/03/2023  - CÓDIGO DE GRUPO 53061

From 01/04/2023 until 22/05/2023 - CÓDIGO DE GRUPO  81186


> Click here to book your room ONLINE.


2. To book your room your room OFFLINE with the RESERVATION OFFICE

By email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

By telephone: (21) 2106 0200

Requests discount rates for HPB RIO 2023